Monday, 16 August 2010

oh to be young again

Oh, how nice would it be to be young again. Then I would have celebrated with my high school friends the same way we celebrated back in 1997...
I would have
1) gone to sleep at 8am, after getting my dad to pick me up. Oh and share my bed with a random close highschool friend who never made it home and whose parents are not as cool as mine
2) swam in a lake at 7am, after walking there in some silly wellies instead of my heels
3) performed some strange balletlike twirling on a stage at 6am. I make a terrific dead swan imitation
4) raided the fridge for booze and snacks of the youth centre at 5am, and started foregoing glasses altogether
5) randomly dressed up and danced to my friend playing the piano in the backroom behind the stage at 4am
6) danced totally inappropriately with the much older brother of the groom at 3am (despite the groom being my highschool sweetheart)
7) been one of the last one standing at 2am (the wedding couple, my best friend and her bf, the grooms' aforementioned cool (cute?) brother, and the mentioned piano playing - staying over - friend of mine) 
8) left the wedding to buy cigarettes with the above mentioned old school buddy, gotten stuck in the pub chatting, and then almost caused a riot by leaving without paying at 1am (not on purpose!)
9) told very naughty stories to keep my table entertained at 12pm despite the fact that this was the first time I ever met any of them
Now, being a grown up, my average wedding is as follows, prim and prep from 1-3pm, wedding from 4-6pm, then reception, booze, smokes (that go with the booze very well indeed...), silly talk, food, more silly talk, a little of random dancing and then head home at 12pm

As I am a grown up now, can someone explain to me why I keep sneezing and why my whole body aches? I do NOT understand. Back in 1997, when I was young and still celebrated, I never felt this way the day(s!!!) after. Very very bizarre...

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