Only a couple more days and I can buy my ComiCon tickets. The site has been an open tab in my chrome now for 2 months as I do NOT want to miss the sale. I will buy the ticket straight when I am back from skiing, and before I pack for 3 weeks snowy Rhode Island. And when I am back from the business trip to snow-hell I will finally get back again a subscription to Spirou magazine and indulge again in Belgian and French comics, my official starter drug into Nerdism.
I am still trying to pretend at my new work that I am only nerdy when it comes to processes and SAP, but I am slipping. I think the fact that I keep saying hello, please and goodbye in either Korean or Japanese, that I have a huge cartoon character as my screen saver and have more gadgets in my handbag then is healthy for my posture gives it away... or the fact that I refuse to budge my July weekend trip to San Diego one iota due to the above mentioned ticket despite a VERY IMPORTANT system change at work.
But before I hype myself up again about something months off, I am going to tackle some more sorting the new flat, icing my old lady knees so skiing will be fun on the weekend and some more staring at the heaps and heaps of shoes in my clothes room (it is a clothes room! not a walking in cupboard, but a clothes room). I bought a quite cool shoe rack, but due to noise restrictions and the need to bang nails into the wall to fix it, it has been half build for a week now with shoes nicely fanned around it. I LOVE shoes, but the only ones I wear at the moment are very comfy Rubber Duck Snowboots, and 3 weeks snow-hell won't increase the likelihood of breaking out my heels. Poor poor neglected heels, first 5 weeks in transit, then 3 weeks in a carton in my flat, and now I ignore them...
I wish there were little household gnomes that would sort the rest of the flat in my absence. That would be so convenient. On that note, I am seriously considering to buy one of those round hoover robots that run around and hoover all the time. Do they count as household gnomes? Do they even work? I need to read the Amazon reviews, me thinks.
Ah, I love being able to obsess about such trivial things. Isn't life grand?
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