Tuesday 24 August 2010

me, myself and random children

So I have a weird relationship with children. I seem to attract them, and I enjoy their company for a little while. The little while should have a clear ending time. Then I am sparkly sparkly company, craft them little cats and frogs out of paper napkins, make monkey noises, play with them, etc etc. Parents seem to be entirely happy to let me be their kids babysitter on planes, at airports and in any other kind of public transport where I can not escape them. It might be my childish enthusiasm that attracts them...

Nevertheless, I sometime am stunned... I mean, who puts their 4 year old daughter and 6 year old boy unaccompanied on a plane? Yes, the grandparents picked them up at the other side, yes it was a short flight, yes there is a service for it, but still, they were tiny and soooo cute. I had to fold a lot of monkeys out of paper. Then, the lady whose child jumped out of the tube just when the doors were closing. At least she noticed and pulled the alarm. The faces of the passengers in the tube were priceless though as they were all equally fighting with being annoyed at getting stuck at a tube stop, horrified about what could have happened and laughing as the mother scolded the boy to smitherens. This all happened within 6 hours on an average sunday journey from my parents to home. I will not even start recounting my kid attraction factor on icerinks... that is a winter story...

I wonder if I ever will be a godmother? I would be an awesome godmother. I would tell them all about their parents misdeeds, could spoil them rotten, and then go home and read my pristine comics in peace :-)

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