Wednesday 25 August 2010

Why do nights out turn into photo shoots?

So I went out last night - surprise!!! It was the last day of my Birthday week, and I stumbled accross this awesome event on one of my many many ticket info emails - a Harajuku Night in Camden. As my usual geek friend was not available, I posted it on Facebook. First time ever I did the sad thing, openly acknowledged my lack of friends and asked if anyone was up to join me. The shame! But it turns out that the girls at my work are as cool as I always suspected them to be, and S and C were totally up for it.

So the three of us have been hyping each other up for days about the fancy dress, the theme, the color scheme... basically how to look japaniiisiii...

The result turned out to be lots of fun at home as we were getting ready at mine with vodka, pink eyeliner, pizza, glue on stars, gluten free dinners, gin, fake eyelashes and lots and lots of pink clothing.

And then the cameras came out... We had not even left the flat yet! I am pretty sure the picture on the left was taken on the way to the venue. Which we were lucky to find as we all assumed to kind of know where it was, and that one of us knew for certain where it was... We found it, we got ID'ed (dear door man, I am wearing a silly costume, I did not bring my brick aka the handbag with me, therefore I have no ID on me, please look into my pink-framed eyes and believe me I wish I was still young enough to worry about carding...), we got in, and then were a tad/mightly/distinctly underwhelmed... where was the visual kei, the gothic lolitas, the cosplay, the Harajuku district vibe??? (see here for inspiration:
So what to do with the cameras, now that there was noone in daring, awesome, out there, we love it outfits... Easy, first off sit down, get some drinks and take lots of pictures of the random older japanese couple sitting smack bang in front of the indie band. I mean, he kept nodding off, and she kept sipping her diet coke, during a indie rock concert! Then wander around, meet: 1 Pickachu, 2 gothic lolitas, a handfull of kawaiiiiiiiiiii girls and two dudes who recognized my cosplay. Score!!! (

And then the evening turned into one continuous random photo session. C kissing some random picture on the wall, S making poses like another random person on a picture in front of said picture, me doing the same for another picture (see underneath), C sitting on the lap of some cool Japanese dude, S sitting on the lap of the same cool Japanese dude, different combinations of us taking pictures of each other. Eventually we had exhausted the photo potential and then moved to new objets d'arts on the way home. Me climbing on a bronze horse, S embracing a bronze statue, C doing a Marilyn underneath some huge silver statue.... pose, picture, walk, pose, picture, walk.....

And this is not the first time this has happened. Recently it seems that I am taking more and more pictures. Growing up taking pictures was expensive, but with the arrival of good affordable digital cameras I started building up a nice gallery of pictures. And since I got my new cell phone with a 7.1 cybershot camera, my picture drive has exploded. I have 2 shoe boxes full of old fashioned print out pictures spanning the first 22 years of my life, one 700MB burned CD spanning the next 4, one 4GIG burned CD spanning the following 4, and another 4 GIG spanning the last 2... anyone see a pattern here? The exponential growth is alarming. So, I have probably of my longest, oldest and best friend D 30 pictures, and at the same time I have the same amount of pictures of the cool friend of a friend that joined us for N.E.R.D on Thursday... Where will this lead? I just got a Terra of outside storage as a birthday present, I am sure in two years time it is full of pictures of my second cousin's flat mate's ex-boyfriend's best friend's little brother. I hope he is cute if I dedicate my TB to him.

Panic! I do not even remember her name! I need to make her my facebook friend before I forget it, I hope she was tagged in one of the albums of that night... ;-) all good fun, eh?

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